If you’re thinking of running a prize promotion, there are lots of things you’ll need to consider. One of the most important aspects is how you’ll deliver prizes to the winners. This process is known as prize fulfilment. 

Professional prize agencies should offer a complete service that includes prize conception, procurement, and fulfilment. However, other agencies might only offer limited competition prize fulfilment services. 

In this blog, our prize experts will cover everything you need to know about prize fulfilment to help you understand what’s involved and what to look for when choosing a prize fulfilment agency.


What is prize planning and conception?

When running a prize promotion, it’s essential to choose the right prizes to inspire your target audience.

Prize planning and conception refers to the process of designing bespoke prizes and rewards that are tailored to your customer base. This includes strategic planning to design the most impactful prizes for your customers within the constraints of your budget. 


What is prize procurement?

Dreaming up amazing prizes is just the first step. You’ll need to have the necessary connections to facilitate your perfect prizes, or you’ll need to work with an agency that has a wide network of contacts. 

Whether you want to offer your customer the chance to win a once-in-a-lifetime dining experience, a dream all-expenses-paid vacation, or exclusive VIP access to a sporting event, you’ll need a plan for how you’ll deliver this prize promptly. 


What is prize fulfilment?

Before you start running your prize promotion, it’s essential to know how you’ll deliver your prizes to your competition winners. The best way to ensure that your winners receive their prizes is to work with an experienced prize fulfilment agency. 

What is virtual prize fulfilment?

Although your main prize will likely be a physical prize or experience, you might also want to offer digital prizes to the runners-up. This presents a different challenge in terms of prize fulfilment, and you’ll need an efficient system to deliver virtual prizes, like digital gift cards or discount codes. 


Expert prize fulfilment services 

At Another Way, we’re experts at designing and procuring unique prizes tailored to your target audience to deliver the best results. Our team creates bespoke prize packages designed to connect with your existing customers, attract new customers, and create a buzz around your brand. 

We offer comprehensive prize fulfilment services, and our team specialises in global and multi-territory fulfilment. Every campaign is assigned a dedicated fulfilment manager to ensure your fulfilment functions seamlessly and efficiently.

We offer:

  • Pan-European and global prize fulfilment
  • Physical and virtual prize and digital code fulfilment
  • A wide range of promotional mechanics 
  • Comprehensive terms and conditions 
  • Prize sourcing and procurement 
  • Winner selection and entry judging 
  • Complete campaign and prize management

Our founder, Andrew, has been in the Promotional Marketing industry for over a decade. Over the last few years, he’s worked with big brands like Airbnb and Ocado to design and deliver exceptional prize competitions that boost awareness and drive long-lasting customer loyalty. 

Whatever the size of your promotional campaign, you can rely on our team to plan, procure and fulfil your prizes. Check out our campaign inspiration to see what kind of prizes we can offer your customers, no matter the size of your prize draw budget. 

If you want to work with our expert team on your next prize promotion, call us at 0778 948 5123 or email us at [email protected].

Or, you can complete our online form, and a member of our team will contact you as soon as possible.